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Paper Mill Museum of Oliero

Paper has created the story of man, it allowed his cultural evolution and transmission of information to all places. Oliero di Valstagna hosts a new museum of industrial heritage in the building of the former paper mill of Parolini, now Remondini, which in historical times was an important centre for the production of paper. In the digital age of e-books, tablets and the new grammar of SMS, it is interesting to go back and touch the stages and the stories, which led to the evolution of the primary means of human communication. The paper industry, mixtures of rags and machines for drying sheets enable us to re-read the great inventions with fresh and curious eyes. You'll find out for example that paper was not invented by man, but has been manufactured for millions of years by wasps to build their nests, or that the first tablets were in a sense already used in ancient Mesopotamia, engraved with cuneiform characters.
The visit
It is possible to structure the tour according to a trail suited to the educational needs of visitors, with the support of educators and cultural workers, or access independently for a separate visit. Workshops can be organised on request, during which you can experience making paper and learn the skills of the ancient craftsmen of Oliero.
The history

The building located at the entrance of the Caves of Oliero, is what remains of the Parolini mill. The production of paper here, initiated by Remondini already in the eighteenth century, fuelled one of the main press industries in the area, which had its greatest development in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, with its products reaching all over Europe.
The enhancement of the site has been able to highlight how much more can be read from the building, integrating the traces of an old manufacturing tradition with the needs of their exhibition and communication of a modern museum.
The museum, which was opened in 2014, enriches the cultural offer of the Brenta Canal. It joins the Ethnographic Museum of the Brenta Canal in Valstagna and the Craft and Artistry Museum of Stonecutters of Pove del Grappa, to bring to light aspects of ethnographic history and traditions of the Valley of Brenta.

da marzo a settembre
9.00 – 12.00 dal lunedì alla domenica

biglietto di ingresso cumulativo ai Musei (Museo di Speleologia e Carsismo + Museo delle Cartiere) e al Parco: 5,00 intero; 4,00 ridotto (5-12 anni, over 65, disabili, forze dell’ordine. Famiglie con 2 adulti e 2 o più bambini)

biglietto di ingresso cumulativo ai Musei (Museo di Speleologia e Carsismo + Museo delle Cartiere), alla Grotta e al Parco: 10,00 intero; 8,00 ridotto (5-12 anni, over 65, disabili, forze dell’ordine. Famiglie con 2 adulti e 2 o più bambini)

Gratuità: per bambini fino ai 5 anni, residenti nel Comune di Valbrenta (un ingresso/anno), speleo sub per attività scientifica.

Si ricorda che la biglietteria chiude un’ora prima. La visita in barca alle Grotte dura 30’, la temperatura interna è di 12°, pertanto si consiglia un un abbigliamento comodo e caldo e l’uso di un ìa giacca impermeabile.

Museo Canal di Brenta, Palazzo Perli
via Garibaldi, 27 Valbrenta (VI)
tel. 0424 99891

Accesso e visite:
tel. 0424 558250

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